Patient Exercises
Daily Floor Stretches
1.- Relaxing Floor Stretch: 10-15 minutes daily

Lie on the floor with a hand towel rolled up under the neck and low back if indicated; the size of your
forearm. Look up at the ceiling (if you turn your neck your spine will also turn). Take a deep breath and
raise arms up above head and point toes, exhale and bring arms down and flex toes towards head. Relax
for a minute and then repeat every minute for 10-15 minutes. The purpose of this stretch is to move
cerebral spinal fluid within the spine and nourish the brain and central nervous system. This exercise is
also very important to remind your body the new positioning the Doctor has put your spine in. Doing this
daily will reinforce your adjustments and straighten your curves.
Modification: If your neck or back in flared up place an ice pack under the neck and/or the low back.
Bend both knees if you experience soreness in the low back. Then slowly straighten the legs one at a
time until both are straight.
2.- Pelvic Tilt Bridges

Start by laying on the floor bend both knees. Bring naval to your spine and tuck your pelvis in by
contracting lower abs, squeeze buttocks and lift your hips off the floor while maintaining the abdominal
contraction. Hold 15 seconds then lower your hips while maintaining the pelvic tilt and contraction. Once
on the floor you can then relax and then repeat process 5 times.
3.- Child Pose

To do child’s pose, start in a kneeling position on a supportive, firm surface. Lean forward until your
forehead is resting on the ground. Extend arms out in front of your head with palms down, your forehead
should touch the floor and face is down. Relax all your muscles and breathe deeply hold for 20 seconds..
From here you can stretch your lats by moving your arms to the side, hold for 15-20 seconds and move to
the other side, then return to center. Repeat 5 times.
4.- Piriformis Stretch Pigeon Pose

Start by sitting on the floor with legs in a V shape. Bend your rIght knee forward so your shin is on a
diagonal, and in the shape of a triangle. Slowly adjust your body up and over the right knee that is still in
a diagonal or triangular shape. Now bring your attention to your back left leg: Your left quadriceps should
squarely face the floor so that your leg is in a “neutral” position—you want to avoid the common pitfall of
externally rotating the back leg. You should feel a stretch on your right glutes and hip. As you become
more comfortable go from your hands on the floor to your elbows, and place your forehead on the floor.
Take a deep breath and hold for 20 seconds. Repeat on opposite side. Repeat 3 times each side.

Try this modification in a seated position: Bend left leg up and bring left ankle over right knee. Keeping
body very straight lean forward about 25 degrees. Hold 20 seconds and repeat 5 times on each side. Be
careful not to hunch and curve your back.
5.- Hamstring Stretch

Find a chair, step or other slightly elevated surface. Place your left leg on the chair or step, standing back
far enough that you can straighten your leg completely. Start by standing up straight and tall, then,
keeping your spine straight and right leg straight as well, reach forward and down toward your left toes.
Depending on how tight your hamstrings are, you may not be able to bend very far before you feel a
stretch. Place your hands on your leg or on your foot in a position where you can feel the stretch but
aren’t in pain. Breathe deeply to the count of 20, then slowly release your hold and curl back to standing.
Switch sides and repeat 5 times on each side
Try these variations on the floor:

6.- Door Pectoralis Stretch

Stand in an open doorway. Raise each arm up to the side with palms forward. Rest your palms on the
door frame. Slowly step forward with one foot. Feel the stretch in your shoulders and chest. Stand upright
and keep your head up straight and tall. Hold for 20 seconds. Step back and relax. Repeat at different
angles high, medium, and low. Repeat 5 times on each side. Also try with one arm up at a time to get
deeper stretch.
7.- Trapezius stretch

Place one arm behind your back and with the opposite arm on top of your head gently apply downward
pull and pressure until you feel a stretch in your trapezius muscle and neck. Hold for 20 seconds and
repeat 5 times on each side. Each time gently applying more pressure to lengthen the muscles.
8.- Quadriceps Stretch

Start in a standing position near a wall or chair for support. Raise right foot behind you and with your hand holding your ankle. Pull leg back until you feel a stretch in your front quadriceps muscle hold for 20
seconds and repeat 5 times on each side
9.- Psoas Stretch

In a standing position, take a step forward and lunge with your left knee over your left ankle. You can
remain standing or bend your right knee so that it is on the floor. While keeping your upper body, and
head straight lean forward so that you can feel a stretch in your right hip flexor. Left knee should remain
over the left ankle and not past the toes to avoid stress in the knees. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on
opposite side 5 times. Optional Variation: Add a quadriceps stretch: On the floor in a lunge position shown above, lift right leg off the floor and hold your ankle, gently pull leg closer to buttocks to feel a stretch in front quadriceps.