Preconception Chiropractic Care and Designed Clinical Nutrition
The Benefits
Prepare your body for pregnancy through preconception chiropractic care and personalized nutrition therapy, to provide essential whole body benefits such as:
Improved Fertility:
Our body’s central nervous and endocrine systems are intricately connected by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. “Getting adjusted” takes the stress off of your HPA access and the greater nervous system, and helps improve your fertility. Proper physical alignment allows for optimal nerve flow from your brain, through your spine, to your reproductive organs. Supporting with nutrition therapy will “build up” your body to prepare for the demands of pregnancy, and allow for optimal HP-axis connection.
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Prenatal Chiropractic Care and Designed Clinical Nutrition
The Benefits
As a Webster Technique Chiropractor, Dr. Chan only uses safe, specialized techniques to promote proper nervous system function. She uses her expertise to minimize undesirable pregnancy symptoms and to create the best possible environment for your baby’s development. Dr. Chan addresses pregnancy concerns such as diastasis, prolapse, and breech or transverse baby presentation and equips your body to experience your best birth. As a doula and a chiropractor, Dr. Chan can be present during delivery to support you and, if you request, provide you with chiropractic adjustments to facilitate your best birth. Take advantage of the full range of benefits introduced through chiropractic care and designed clinical nutrition during pregnancy:
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Postpartum Chiropractic Care and Designed Clinical Nutrition
The Benefits
Postpartum chiropractic care and a specifically designed nutrition program, is an essential service that provides parents of newborns with a variety of key benefits:
Faster Healing:
Ensuring your spine and pelvis are in alignment after childbirth reduces the tension on your ligaments and promotes faster postpartum healing. If you didn’t receive prenatal chiropractic care and have untreated postpartum prolapse or diastasis, Dr. Chan has the expertise to encourage restorative healing of these conditions. Implementing real food nutrition and food based supplementation will help your body repair itself and become healthier.
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Nutrition Response Testing
Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body in order to determine the underlying causes of ill health. When these are corrected through safe, natural, nutritional means, the body can repair itself in order to attain and maintain more optimum health.
As you probably know, research shows that most people are deficient in nutrients. Even if we consciously strive to eat a healthy diet, we still lack nutrients due to the reduced quality of food available to us.
These deficiencies will eventually cause symptoms and health problems if not remedied. Proper nutrition can greatly improve the body’s ability to hold a chiropractic adjustment and further the healing process.
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Chiropractic – What to Expect

Hair Mineral Analysis
What is a tissue mineral analysis?
Hair analysis is an invaluable screening tool which allows a correct program of diet and supplementation to be designed for each individual’s specific needs. Never before has there been a metabolic blueprint with such a degree of applicable scientific accuracy!
Trace mineral analysis is a test which measures the mineral content of your hair. Mineral content of the hair reflects the mineral content of the body’s tissues. If a mineral deficiency or excess minerals exists in the hair, it usually indicates a mineral deficiency or excess within the body, or bio-unavailability.
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